4th March, 2014

The Lord of The Rings : The Fellowship of The Ring (Part 1)


Class    : K3C
School Num.         : 12231
Book Call Num.    : FTOL
Book Title      : Lord of The Rings Part 1 : The Fellowship of The Ring
Author           : J.R.R. Tolkien
Publication Year/(Edition)                : 2007(Based on the 50th Anniversary Edition)






Setting: Middle-earth


Bilbo Baggins

–       A hobbit at the respectable age of 111. He and his favourite nephew, Frodo Baggins (33 at the start of the story) are preparing for their annual birthday bash. (Their birthdays are on the same day.) First hobbit-owner of The Ring, passes The Ring onto Frodo on their birthday.

Frodo Baggins

–       Bilbo’s favourite nephew and heir. He inherits The Ring and is taken on a whirlwind adventure to destroy the ring before it can get back to Sauron, The Evil Eye. He is accompanied by Sam Gamgee, on his journey for the destruction of The Ring. A strong hobbit, he is different from the others as he doesn’t feel the entire world revolves around The Shire (where the hobbits stay). Although he is often tempted by The Ring, he has the strength to fight most of it, staying defiant towards any offer to take The Ring to give Frodo respite.


–       Lord of Rivendell, father to Arwen. He is a mighty lord amongst men and elves alike and all respect and fear him.


–       Daughter to Elrond. Known as Undomiel, the Evenstar of her people.


–       First known as Strider to the Fellowship, he is known as Dunadan to the Elves, Man of the West, Numenorean. He is in part the leader of the Fellowship, he usually decides what or where to go next but takes into consideration Frodo’s importance as the Bearer of The Ring.

Gandalf the Grey

–       Second most powerful wizard of 5, he is the one who starts Frodo on his journey to Mordor. Often a lamp when the Fellowship falls into darkness, he has many places to be at one time, but trusts the fellowship can follow his guidance. Known to the Elves as Mithrandir.

Sam Gamgee

–       Faithful companion to Frodo, was caught eavesdropping when Gandalf met Frodo after the ‘disappearance’ of Bilbo. He becomes Frodo’s most trusted confidant and shares a closer bond to him than any other Fellowship member.


–       One of the 4 hobbits in the Fellowship. A brave little soul loyal to the end.


–       Much like Merry (Meriadoc) he is the more cheerful of the lot. Also loyal an willing to sacrifice his life in The Shire for the better good.

Legolas Greenleaf

–       The only Elf in the Fellowship, is a good friend of Aragorn having fought battles with him. Finds a friend and fellow competitor in Gimli, the dwarf of the Fellowship.


–       Son of Gloin, one of the original Company of Bilbo Baggins he is a steadfast dwarf who at first has an aversion towards Elves but becomes fast friends with Legolas in the end.


Major conflict – Frodo and the Fellowship try to reach the Land of Shadows but are stopped by Orcs, Black Riders and Boromir’s reaction to Frodo as the Ring-bearer.

Rising action – As they make their way further from The Shire, the 4 hobbits, Frodo, Sam, Meriadoc and Pippin encounter strange Riders in Black in the woods and when they stay at The Pony (an inn), they are sabotaged. After meeting Strider, as they know him, they retire to their respective rooms. In the middle of the night their horses are scared off, and flee to the nearby grasslands. The Company nearly lose their lives in the night.

Climax – As they are in the Chamber of Mazarbul, they are upset by Orcs, and the worst is yet to come. Confirmation of Balin’s Death is plain as they pass an inscription atop a sealed tomb. After defeating the solitary two orcs, they pass through the First and Second hall of Moria. Here Legolas cries out when he sees A Balrog amongst the ranks of the orcs and trolls. The battle between Gandalf and the Balrog was to be horrifying. As Glamdring (Gandalf’s sword), rang woth each parried blow, Gandalf ended the battle, he smote the bridge and the Balrog fell deep into the abyss. Alas, to the despair of all, as the beast fell, its whip curled around the wizard’s foot and dragged him into the abyss after it.

Falling action – As they make their way away from Moria, they come across the Nothern Kindred of Elves, allowing them safe passage into Lothlorien, they are allowed to stay the night perched like birds atop trees called Mellyrn. Later they cross the river Celebrant walking like spiders with the assistance of 2 ropes. They come into the audience of the Great Lady Galadriel, Lady of Lorien and bearer of Nenya, the Ring of Adamant.

Conlucion – As they find themselves closer to the Land of Shadows, Boromir makes Frodo uneasy and Frodo leaves the Fellowship. Sam catches up with him, and taking it to be fated the duo set of alone for Mordor. Here the Fellowship is broken as Boromir confronts Frodo (scaring him away) after succumbing to the temptation of The One Ring, and Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Merry and Pippin are separated from Frodo and Sam.


A most interesting book, keeping me on my toes at all times. Although there are a lot of characters and different places of interest, one feels immersed in a world of magic, righteousness and evil all at the same time, a world of fantasy with balance. One immediately gravitates towards the hobbits, as they are often described as the weakest of the 5 main groups, Man, Elves, Dwarves, Ents and Halflings (Hobbits). Their exceptional loyalty and bravery is seen throughout the story and it makes one want to continue reading. The way there is plausible conflict between the characters make it much more relatable to people reading it. A wonderful adventure, it is often said that The English-speaking world is divided into those who have read The Hobbit and The Lord of The Rings and those who are about to. I strongly suggest this book be added into one’s library as a journey into Middle-earth has no greater appeal than a journey written by J.R.R. Tolkien.

Posted at 7:35 am | Comments (4)


  1. On April 6, 2014 at 11:33 am f3.ppc@smjk.edu.my said:

    April 6, 2014 at 11:33 am

    Name:Koay Yi Yun (8)
    School Number:12218
    Mentor Teacher:Ms Mabel Lim

    ‘Lord Of The Rings’is a very interesting book.Although it has series of books but i’m sure that everyone that have read the whole series of books will have the same opinion as me.I really like this story that is about a world of fantasy,magic and evil.It is written by J.R.R Tolkien.A very interesting plot that makes people be interested and reading it again and again.

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  2. On April 6, 2014 at 11:34 am f3.ppc@smjk.edu.my said:

    April 6, 2014 at 11:34 am

    Name:Koay Yi Yun (8)
    School Number:12218
    Mentor Teacher:Ms Mabel Lim

    ‘Lord Of The Rings’is a very interesting book.Although it has series of books but I’m sure that everyone who has read the whole series of books will have the same opinion as me.I really like this story that is about a world of fantasy,magic and evil.It is written by J.R.R Tolkien.A very interesting plot that makes people interested in reading it over and over again.

  3. On September 25, 2014 at 4:24 pm f3.ppc@smjk.edu.my said:

    September 25, 2014 at 4:24 pm

    Name: Yeap Yu Xian (34)
    Class: K3C
    School No.: 12136
    Mentor Teacher : Ms Mabel Lim

    This book is an eye-opener. I never knew I had a soft spot for underdogs-turned heroes. I absolutely adored Frodo’s companion Sam! What I enjoyed most about this book is that it did not have a completely wonderful, too-good-to-be-true main group. The fellowship is literally a motley crew, what more with elves, hobbits and a wizard, it’s recipe for an unforgettable adventure!

  4. On September 25, 2014 at 4:27 pm f3.ppc@smjk.edu.my said:

    September 25, 2014 at 4:27 pm

    Name: Ding Kah Wen (3)
    Class: K3C
    School No.: 12148
    Mentor Teacher : Ms Mabel Lim

    This is a lovely read. I enjoyed all the characters and having watched the movie, I was able to place the names with the faces. My personal favorite is Legolas the Elf Archer and of course Sam, like Yeap Yu Xian. I really enjoyed this first book which led me to embark on my own journey, in my mind of course. Although some words here and there proved difficult to understand, on the whole it was a smooth read. I enjoyed it loads!

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