14th March, 2014

The Disadvantages of The Implementation of Nuclear Power

Name :


Class  :


School Num. :


Title :


Type of Writing :

Critical Writing

Mentor Teacher :

Ms Mabel Lim


What is nuclear? Do you know what nuclear is? Is it even renewable? No, of course not! Would the world be better off without nuclear power? Definitely yes!

Allow me to quote Pierre Schaeffer, “It’s ridiculous that time and time again we need a radioactive cloud coming out of a nuclear power-station to remind us that atomic energy is extremely dangerous.”

I would like to define a few important key terms, and also touch on the first point which is the occurrence of radiation and its effects on humans.

I would like to define the key terms, firstly the term nuclear energy; it is defined from The New World Encyclopaedia as the energy contained in the nucleus, or centre, of an atom. The word implemented means, to imply or to carry out.

It is said that nuclear energy should be implemented because it proves to be a pretty reliable source of energy. I ask you, do you think nuclear energy is much safer than wind or solar generated energy? Yes, solar energy might produce some minor radioactive products but is it more dangerous than a running NUCLEAR POWER PLANT?

Ladies and gentlemen, my first conviction, that health effects caused by leakage of nuclear waste and by-products; also known as radiation. Radiation occurs when unstable nuclei of atoms decay and release particles. There are many different types of radiation. When these particles touch various organic materials such as tissue damage may and probably will be done.

Radiation can cause burns, cancers and death. Radiation can affect humans and cause nausea, serious vomiting, splitting headaches and loss of white blood cells. Does hair loss sound like a recurring issue in your life?

Cancer and hair loss are also side-effects of radiation. Just to get electricity faster and more effectively are you willing to risk your health? And with the birth rate in Malaysia dropping, do you want those precious few pregnant mothers to have embryos in their uterus born with thyroid cancer?

How can you make sure that all those “qualified” people have the guts or experience and instincts to react in a way that can save thousands of lives?

Radiation alone killed 33 fire fighters in the Chernobyl Disaster 9th April 1986 on the very day, that nuclear reactor 4 experienced a core melt-down. Can you actually substantiate your statements of safety guidelines with concrete evidence? The slightest error in communication can be the difference between a complete disaster and a successful safety test.

You might have the most up-to-date nuclear reactors but can all that technology prevent human-made errors? Or errors in the very programming of the base systems that run the power plant? If you can’t achieve total control in the auxiliary department how can you control the entire power plant?

Returning to the point that nuclear energy is a clean source of energy; when you think about the “vast” expanse of land we have, which I mean small, how can we afford to build a power plant environmentally? The only places that aren’t densely populated are Sabah and Sarawak but to build power plants there, one needs to execute deforestation activities, and natural habitats of certain animals and plants will diminish rapidly. Do you want even more flora and fauna to face extinction?

We can’t implement nuclear energy without risking the national security and safety of our nation’s people. Yes, you’re right, one can’t achieve anything without trying first, but do you really want to risks the lives of hundreds and thousands, the legacies left behind by our ancestors just for a minor development in technology?

We needn’t rush into the race of revolution; after all slow and steady wins the race. If we sit back discuss this for a few more years or maybe build good relations with those countries that have already built nuclear power plants so that we will understand more about the nuclear world instead of rushing head-long into something we don’t know.

We as the younger generation, the pioneers of tomorrow and heirs to the rich land of Malaysia, have responsibilities to take measures to ensure the national security and safety of our people, animals, and plants, economic and industrial growth.

Nothing is stronger than a united nation full of hearts as one.

Posted at 8:45 am | Comments (3)

9th March, 2014

The Advantages of the Implementation of Nuclear Energy

Name :


Class  :


School Num. :


Title :


Type of Writing :

Critical Writing

Mentor Teacher :

Ms Mabel Lim

The Advantages of the Implementation of Nuclear Energy

Imagine a world with a cleaner energy supply, safer habitats for animals and unpolluted natural resources. Doesn’t this sound like a whole new world? And our new fantastic point of view, to implement nuclear energy in our country? Let us open your eyes and take you wonder by wonder, as we delve into the world of the advantages of nuclear energy.

A very good morning I bid to the, honoured speaker of the house, wise panel of adjudicators, precise timekeeper, my worthy opponents and members of the floor.

I would like to give the definition of certain key terms of the aforementioned subject and deliver my first conviction, which is energy supply.

Do you know why we didn’t have power plants in the past? A few analyses were carried out in the 70’s and 80’s but the Malaysian Board of Energy, Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), decided to build more gas plants following the rapid expansion of the oil and gas field. Now that gas prices are soaring, nuclear seems like a pretty good alternative, and if you still aren’t sure, let me tell you why nuclear energy should be implemented in Malaysia.

Nuclear energy has a more stable pricing than oil or gas, due to the fact that demand for oil on a global scale will drastically increase due to economic and population growth, mainly in developing countries, it is forecast that the relation between supply and demand of fossil fuels will become tight followed by consequence price hikes, therefore the world may face intensified competition for acquisition of fossil fuel sources. This was taken from

Thus, with the information given above, it is important for Malaysia to ensure stable and reliable energy supply by diversifying important sources on the supply side.

We as a developing country should make an example of France who gets 78% of its electricity from nuclear power. President Nicolas Sarkozy says “We are showing how to reduce dependence on oil cut emissions and supply some of the cheapest electricity in the world” in an article from the Reader’s Digest and National Geographic respectively.

Nuclear power compared to the burning to coal and gas, is the least environmentally polluting source of energy during usage. So that means that the seas and the skies will gradually lose pollution and eventually return to their natural state. Don’t you want your children to enjoy the fresh air and the crystal clear water?

Nuclear energy when made as the main source of energy can reduce dependence on fossil fuel sources like gas, oil and coal.

So, still of the belief that nuclear energy should not be implemented here, well imagine Klang Valley with those hazy days, obstructing the wondrous view from near and afar. Carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and sulphur; 90% of these emissions occur in urban areas, all these horrific “dust clouds” caused by air pollution from vehicles and factories. Together, we can prevent this if we use proper safety guidelines when harnessing nuclear energy.

Are the benefits of nuclear energy worth the risks? All kinds of energy uses involve risks. Coal miners are killed in accidents, oil and gas tanks explode, pollution by fossil fuels cause illnesses and deaths. Nuclear energy is a less polluting way of obtaining energy.

Our efforts may just be a drop in an endless ocean,

However what is an ocean, but a multitude of drops.

I strongly believe that the implementation of nuclear energy has many advantages, and if possible we should look to a nuclear-power generated future.

Posted at 11:16 pm | Comments (3)

4th March, 2014

The Disadvantages of Exposure to The Internet at a Young Age

Name :


Class  :


School Num. :


Title :


Type of Writing :

Critical Writing

Mentor Teacher :

Ms Mabel Lim



Firstly, according to the conviction given by some, that is that exposure to the internet at a young age can benefit them, in terms of the fact that children can develop skills that will be used later on in life and possibly overcome their limitations via exposure to the Internet at a young age, I would like to point out some flaws in this belief.

I would like to pose a question, which is do any of you readers know the danger of exposure to the Internet at a young age?

So maybe yes, the internet has programs or learning centres online where children with special needs can learn to overcome their limitations, but do you know the risks to exposure at such a young age. What if they see pictures online of people stuck with the same limitations until they are old?

Although those certain individuals might have achieved great things in learning to accept themselves for who they are, but as a mere child from the tender age of 3-12, they might lose hope, before they have even tried to overcome their limitations.

Also, they are told to have confidence in themselves because most people with special needs are introverts and it takes a lot of guidance and support to help them break out of their shell.

As the some people have said, the internet is beneficial as it helps with development of speech, audio and literacy skills.

So maybe yes the internet can help these children improve a bit, but I ask again even if a child themselves does not tire while searching or learning online, what will tire? Their bodies, of course!

Hours, spent in front of the, bright computer screen sometimes, staring at tiny ant-like words, wriggling up and down the page. And what happens to those once bright, shining and vibrant eyes? They become dull, unfocused and usually need corrective eye surgery or eye wear.  Do you want your children or children you know to become like this?

Apart from eye strain, occasional headaches and migraines, many other health issues are experienced by frequent internet users at a young age. The posture of children is usually that of a hunchback, as they tend to hunch over the keyboard and peer down their nose at the screen like they’re looking for treasure.

Most people like, often believe that via exposure to the internet at a young age, children will get enough physical exercise as they are constantly testing the boundaries between hand-eye coordination but the fact is what happens to the rest of your body?

A child’s body needs exercise to help with the development of bones and muscles, and if exposure to the internet at a young age causes addiction among children you will have on your hands children with weak immune systems from not enough exercise.

Most children experience neck, shoulder and back pains when sitting at the computer for too long. This will cause many problems as they only use their fingers and their eyes to go online.

E-learning is convenient there is no doubt about that, but can the computers, robots; audio players really replace the teachers of today? No! They can’t, without teachers children won’t be able to discuss their feelings, their hurt, guilt, shame, anger, or happiness.

The modern day technology can define all this but can it incorporate human-like qualities into a piece of metal? We have all grown up with the luxury of having a teacher help us through our troubles, over the steep mountains and up the deep valleys of despair. Do you want to deprive the children of today of those important lessons in life?

Yes, the internet may help connect countries to other countries; it may help strengthen the bond between over-seas family members but what about the fact that children may be exposed to political propaganda online?

Many extremists dive into the virtual world as it is a safe place for them to corrupt the minds of the innocent and wreak havoc in the once peaceful virtual world.

Now, there are violent comments, pictures posted anywhere on blogs, easily accessible by children and this could be life-altering for the child and their friends and family.

Many people believe that the Internet is a platform for creative writing, anyone and I mean anyone can write a story and post it online and make it accessible for the whole world.

Certain online sites are beneficial in the sense that they help promote writing amongst adolescents but the content that is rated R is still accessible by the mere click of a button.

The children of today are the heroes of tomorrow, the future heirs; the leaders that help our country evolve into a more prosperous country. If they become corrupt who will lead the children of tomorrow? And who will ensure that the legacy of yesterday is passed on tomorrow? The Children!!

That is why I strongly believe that the Internet has disadvantages as well as advantages and one should be careful when utilising it.

Posted at 7:46 am | Comments (3)

4th March, 2014

The World of D

Name :


Class  :


School Num. :


Title :


Type of Writing :

Creative Writing

Mentor Teacher :

Ms Mabel Lim


The World of D

Each and every year, the entire Planestos aligns, allowing for inter-planestos transportation. Planestos, are collection of galactic Enterprises, which are usually run by the Tribsats, high-ranking officials of any origin. This is my world of Dasoro, where space is the final frontier that has finally overcome.

I never thought my make-believe worlds would come to meet me in reality, even less the thought that I would meet my creations in school. It was a most windy morning, the unusual chilly winds blowing right through me like they would and old woman.

And yet, funnily enough the cold did not serve to numb my senses in fact it warmed me. It warmed me to think that Dasoro’s climate was nothing like the wonders of Earth. And that’s when I saw her, Superior General Sashuk of the 8th regiment of InterPlanestos Police or I.P.P. She had a long lean figure, and was striding towards my class, baffled I rubbed my eyes expecting to see my heroine from Dasoro disappear. She did not. Rather, behind her came the steady march of the infantry of her regiment. As she reached my class, a sharp rap resounded through my class.

I wish to acquaint myself with Estelle Monre, if it is permissible by you.” Her voice was all I had described her as, crystal clear, with a sort of tinkle after each word; listening to her I felt this was no dream. And even if it was, I would not want to wake up too soon, after all when does anyone get to meet the very heroine they created in their bedroom?

Walking in step with her my 5 foot 8 figure felt comparatively tiny against Sashuk’s 6 foot 5 figure. As the rows of infantry parted, I saw something that made me squeal in delight. It was my latest addition to the world of Dasoro, the Delta 3 ATO or the All Terrain Omnisphere that could be shrunk for easy transportation. With its gleaming silver blue body, the 10 foot wide sphere glowed bright as she placed her hand on it. Signalling for me to do the same I hesitantly yet firmly pressed my palm onto the sphere.

A blinding flash of white, and then seats like swirling water, and yet they firm to touch. Sitting on it I spun round and round and skipped gaily towards the dashboard. Running my fingers along it I felt delighted when the machine whirred to life and responded exactly as I wished it to.

A dry cough filled the room. “I regret to bring you out of your delight, Miss but Dasoro is in great need of your help. You see, when you created us, you also created our enemies the Dansus but you failed to describe them or talk about their progress or regression in all of the stories. And now, they are a wiped out race, and yet at the same time they flourish. One day they are close to complete extinction and the next they are taking over towns and burning cities. We need your help to restore them to the world of D they must not be allowed to have this immunity.

Looking sheepishly at Sashuk, I noticed behind her the holograms of all the other regiment leaders all the way up to the 12th Regiment led by General Carnus. Sitting down, I said in the clearest voice I could muster, “Of course, I would love to help, but how can I restrain them to World of D and the ways of it?”

“You must retrieve the Larse. The peal gem you created that gives anyone ultimate control over the World of D. It is the only thing that can restrain and correct their nature, if not, I regret to say we will all be forced to World Jump, and millions of Ditizens will be flooding Earth. Do you want to see the World you painstakingly created crumble because of a slight omission in the creation of the Dansus. Do you agree to help us?”

I was shocked. Me, omit their creation restraints? But this was the ultimate opportunity, for me to see the World of D in my own eyes and not through my mind’s eye. Standing up and dusting the imaginary dust off my pinafore I said “I hereby agree to help General Sashuk correct the imbalance of one of my creations.”

What happened after that, was a whirlwind of events. Fitting for ATR’s All Terrain Robes, the half-hour practice with the Lendre, Dasoro’s trademark weapon, and a crash course on the needs of this undertaking, I was deemed ready for it.

Stepping out of the ATO I was greeted by bowed heads and shouts of “Dasoro! Dasoro! Dasoro Dominusus!” This I knew to be Dasoro, Dasoro, Dasoro for the People!

It was days before we reached the capital, Dasmo. It was nothing like I had written it, instead of a glass building filled with busy workers keeping the mother hive system updated, there were troops everywhere and only a few Ditizens were seen along roads, mostly elderly folks.

Two days at the capital made me fidgety, itching to get out and do something, I gave my ‘supervisors’ the slip and rushed out of the gates. Outside was the wondrous, famed view of Dasmo. It was breathtaking, your average countryside was nothing compared to this. With lagoons, lakes, and snow-topped mountains, this view showed the World of D at its closest with nature. And just beside it was the bustling capital Dasmo, and yet no pollution after-effects were clearly visible.

As I raked my eyes over the grassy plains, I saw a movement that caught my eye. Turning back to it, I saw figures scurrying between knolls. They were not moving back and forth but rather moving in one direction, towards the Eastern Gates of Dasmo. I saw the gleaming banner of the White Daresy, a dragon-like creature with fur instead of scales. It was the insignia of the Dansus.

Leaping into a stationary ATO, I manoeuvred it towards the two knolls. Upon reaching a grove of trees, I left my ATO and shrunk it before silently walking towards the clearing. I came across tents of fully equipped soldiers, and ATO’s lined up neatly in rows and rows upon shelves.

That’s when I realised; I had placed the Larse here! Right here, in this grove near the clearing between the knolls! In my excitement at finding this I tripped and landed face front on the ground. Instead of the damp ground I expected, my nose touched upon a cool surface. Clearing away the leaves, I saw it, the peal gem; I needed so badly to rectify my omission. Turning it in my hand I turned around towards the other edge of the woods.

Alas, I was not to leave so easily. The Larse had my undivided attention, and that proved fatal as I failed to see the sentries surround me. As I momentarily realised my situation of no protection I drew out my ATO ready to zoom back to Dasmo. But the soldiers beat me to it, tackling me to the ground, one sentry slammed me into the tree I was standing towards. Hitting the tree at an awkward angle, I felt my leg go “POP” as though it had been yanked out. The Larse was still in my hand, pressing my lips to it, I whispered “Flee to Dasmo, and save this world.” And then I felt nothing as all around me dissolved, only to be replaced with black.

Sometime Later

Something was disturbing my eyes, I could feel it, and someone was wiping my face! My eyes shot open and my hand was at my waist ready to draw out my Lendre. But my hand felt nothing but velvet smoothness. Looking down at myself, I saw I was dressed in a violet garb, with a velvet feel. I swung my legs to the side of the bed I was laid on and winced at the pain the movement caused me.

Before my feet could touch the ground, General Sashuk was there in front of me. “You are hurt. You must let us heal you before you rectify the imbalance. Please take this stone and press it to the left side of your hip.”

It was a stormy-grey colour, and taking the stone I pressed it firmly onto my hip. I knew of it, it was the Rose, the strawberry-shaped stone with healing powers. As I lifted it away from my person, a swirl of red dust shot out of it and rested lightly upon my body.

Taking the Larse from General Sashuk, I said the words “I bind the Dansus to the same laws of creation as the Dasoro, may they find peace in one another, and live fortuitously.” At that a loud bang and I blacked out.

My eyes opening for the second time, I was greeted by the worried faces of my friends, their voices seemed faraway but were getting closer. “Are you alright?” “Do you need a break? Or something to eat?”

I shook my head and looked around for any signs of my imaginary world. There were none. After questioning my friends, I learnt, I had slept through a whole 2 periods without anyone able to awaken me! I was absolutely mortified and apologised to the teacher immediately.

I was really sceptical of the reality of that adventure and yet, there were 2 things that made me believe in its having taken place. For when I went home, I saw on my left hip, the reddish imprint of a strawberry and I had the Larse on my bedside table. And I soon found out that only I could see the Larse.

I wonder when I will ever have the chance to visit The World of D again. You can choose to believe me, or deny it, but a day will come when I will return to that world, and no one but me need believe that.

Copyright © 2014 Stella Anne Teoh Ming Hui

All rights reserved.


Posted at 7:40 am | Comments (3)